Polity Notes
National Development Council is an apex body for decision making and deliberations in development. Planning Commission used to formulate five year plans while NDC implements five year plans. NDC is an Executive Body established by an order of Union Government on 6th August, 1952. The main objectives of NDC are .
(i) To promote rapid development of the Country and,
(ii) To ensure balance development of all parts of the Country.
After the Planning Commission Modi Government is set to bring down the curtains on NDC. Union Government want to transfer its powers to Governing Council of Niti Aayog.
Composition of NDC
Chairperson- Ex-officio (Prime Minister)

Members - Ex-officio (Union Cabinet Ministers)

Members - Ex-officio (Chief Ministers of all states)

Members - Representatives of UTs

Members - Members of Planning Commission (Planning Commission has already been scraped on 13.08.2014 by Union Government)
Main Function of NDC
1. To prescribe guidelines for the formation of the National Plan.
2. To consider and implement National Plan formulate by Planning Commission (Planning Commission has been already scraped by Modi Government on 13.08.2014).
3. To consider important questions of Social and Economic policy affecting National Development.
4. To make an assessment of the resources that are required for implementation of the plan.
Till now 57 meetings of NDC has been held. The last meeting of NDC was held on 27th December, 2012 to finalise the 12th five year plan. It was decided by the Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi to dissolve it but no such resolution has been passed yet.
Since the formation of Niti Aayog on 01.01.2015 the NDC had no work assign to it nor did it have any meetings.