The exams for the Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) and Haryana Judicial Service (HJS)aim to bring on qualified candidates to work as Civil Judges. These government services seek out recruits through a demanding selection procedure. It consists of initial tests, main exams, and an interview. To succeed in these exams requires a profound grasp of legal topics, current events, and analytical abilities that are beyond reproach. It is of utmost importance to consider enrolling into a DJS coaching centre to prepare for the DJS exam and HJS exam.

Importance of Judiciary Prep

Preparing for judicial service demands more than just reviewing statutes and case law; it requires comprehending the intricacies and complexities within our legal system and how laws are practically enforced. To be well prepared for the fundamental legal doctrines, remaining informed on new rulings, and working through prior exams questions. Additionally, developing skills beyond mere legal knowledge like self-paced work, analytical reasoning, and response drafting abilities are vital for succeeding in Judiciary Exams. It is thus important to enrol into a good Judiciary Coaching institute to get familiar with the strategies needed to crack the Judiciary exams. DJS coaching and HJS coaching are both important to have a clear understanding of the pattern of the DJS and HJS exams.

Choosing the Right Judiciary Coaching

With numerous options available, selecting the right judiciary coaching can be overwhelming. The ideal judiciary coaching institute should offer comprehensive judiciary study materials, well experienced faculty, and regular Judicial mock tests.

By joining the Maansarovar Law Centre you can be assured of the above-mentioned requirements as we are proud to admit that our teaching curriculum is the most fruitful to the students, imparting the most practical judicial knowledge.

Our offerings -

Experienced Faculty: Knowledgeable instructors who can simplify complex judicial concepts and provide insights into the judicial system.

Comprehensive Study Material: Updated and exhaustive resources covering all aspects of the DJS and HJS syllabus.

Mock Tests and Practice Sessions: Regular Judiciary mock exams to familiarize yourself with the exam format and improve time management.

Personalized Feedback: Individual attention and feedback on performance on the Judicial Mocks to identify and work on weaknesses.

Incorporating Technology in Judiciary Prep

We offer online resources and mobile apps for DJS and HJS prep. These platforms provide flexibility and access to a wealth of resources, including live classes, video lectures, and interactive quizzes. Leveraging technology can complement your prep strategy and help you study more efficiently.

Tips for Effective Judicial Prep

Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the DJS and HJS exam formats and marking schemes.

Regular Revision: Consistently revise key topics and laws to strengthen your memory.

Practice Writing: Develop answer writing skills to articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely under exam conditions.

Stay Updated: Keep abreast of the latest legal developments, judgements, and amendments.


Cracking the Delhi Judicial Service and Haryana Judicial Service exams is a challenging yet achievable goal with the right preparation strategy and support. By choosing the best DJS coaching, leveraging technology, and following a disciplined prep plan, you can significantly enhance your chances of success. Remember, perseverance, dedication, and smart work are key to conquering the DJS and HJS exams.

Embark on your journey to become a part of the esteemed judiciary with confidence and determination. Good luck!